As I See It / 4th-6th Grade

As I See It / 4th-6th Grade


Projects in this class center around the student - who they are, where they live, and what they like to do. We will think about our identities and symbols that we use to represent ourselves. Students will do projects with pencil, paint, and mixed media and we may have a guest presentation from a Chicago muralist.

June 17-21 / 9am - 10.45am

Classes will operate with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 students

Self Portraits, Cityscape collages, Mural/graffiti art

* You will receive an email a week before Summer Art Club starts with more information about drop-off, timing and other logistics. We will also collect your student’s name and age at that time.

Collage / 4th-6th Grade
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